maj 29 2004

dead life

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Uraczę was kolejnym tekstem do naszego najnowszego kawałka "Dead life".Niedługo ruszy będą możliwe studyjne mp3 do zassania:))


Dead people are walking on the streets,

Taking from life all of its shits,

Living the life which is already dead,

Enjoying everything they ever had ,

Hurting and smiling ,drinking blood from veins,

Before they give a shot in their own brains.



Just kill yourself you have no rights to live

Do you think that there’s a destination for you to be?

Please don’t cry when it’ll be all to late,

Living after dead is also great.


Questions and answers believe in their lies

You cannot see they’re just devil’s in disguise

White turns to black love turns to hate

How more you’re able to take?

You’re free- forgot about that?

Take life in your hands and show what you got!




Now I returned again from grave

I’m strong enough to show you my hate

Run to the church and pray (oh I forgot)

For you it’s the  most dangerous way

Nowhere to hide? big problem you got

Now you know that you shouldn’t mess with a heart


podciete_skrzydla : :
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